Grand Finale changes.AWARD 2019
On 27 June 2019, the time had come again for the participants of the changes.award to present their ideas at the grand finale. This time we were not there as participants, but were invited to sit in the jury to give them our impressions.
The submitted business plans had interesting solutions under the topic Society 5.0 and were presented in a very good way.
As last year’s winners, this time we were able to watch the presentations in a relaxed manner and had a completely different perspective on the implementation and elaboration. In addition to interesting conversations with the participants, we were also able to talk to the jury members and other supporters of the competition.
All in all, we see the competition as a great opportunity to take a look at entrepreneurship and are happy that we were able to give the go-ahead for our idea in 2018. Therefore, we are especially grateful to Mitsubishi Electric and the Freunde und Förderer Industriemuseum Cromford e. V. for hosting this competition and to Tünkers Maschinenbau GmbH for supporting this competition.
source picture: Mitsubishi Electric